Pictures from the Arctic

Aurora Borealis: we often saw them at night from the ship during the expedition. Here is one on our return flight from Tiksi to Yakutsk. The Aurora is an incredible light show caused by collisions between electrically charged particles released from…

Aurora Borealis: we often saw them at night from the ship during the expedition. Here is one on our return flight from Tiksi to Yakutsk. The Aurora is an incredible light show caused by collisions between electrically charged particles released from the sun that enter the earth's atmosphere and collide with gases such as oxygen and nitrogen. By the way they can be seen in Antarctica too!

Just Tiksi, no comment...

Just Tiksi, no comment...

Dr. Alexei Tikhonov and Dr. Eric Crubezy examine rocks collected from the De Long Islands during our Russian Arctic expedition. They seem convinced of pre-modern times human presence there. to be further studied...

Dr. Alexei Tikhonov and Dr. Eric Crubezy examine rocks collected from the De Long Islands during our Russian Arctic expedition. They seem convinced of pre-modern times human presence there. to be further studied...

Dr. Alexei Tikhonov and Dr. Eric Crubezy examine rocks collected from the De Long Islands during our Russian Arctic expedition. They seem convinced of pre-modern times human presence there. to be further studied...

Dr. Alexei Tikhonov and Dr. Eric Crubezy examine rocks collected from the De Long Islands during our Russian Arctic expedition. They seem convinced of pre-modern times human presence there. to be further studied...
