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at the edge of light
CURACAo 2018


Deep-sea reefs are unique ecosystems with potentially thousands of species yet to be discovered.

With shallow reefs under intense threats, scientists acknowledge that the lesser-studied deep reefs are also under pressure.

Deep reef research and follow up expeditions are essential to understand these complex ecosystems, their role in ocean health and resilience, and to develop strategies to ensure their conservation or restoration.

- Short documentary | Available soon


AT THE EDGE OF LIGHT (13’ short-documentary) covers the Pax Arctica Coral Reef Expedition of Aug/Sep2018 in Klein Curacao. Produced by Sagax Entertainment and directed by Fabiano D’Amato and James Nikitine this film covers the largely unexplored deep ocean reefs surrounding the uninhabited island of Klein Curaçao which serve as biodiversity hotbeds and could hold the answers to many unanswered scientific questions.

Reef ecosystems around the world are in decline and threatened from global warming leading to mass coral bleaching, ocean acidification, overfishing and other local impacts. Marine scientists from Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Smithsonian’s National Museum for Natural History, and Naturalis Biodiversity Center lead a scientific mission using a state-of-the-art manned submersible, the Curasub, to explore the islands’ uncharted depths of up to 1000ft and collect baseline observations to inform continued research.

AT THE EDGE OF LIGHT provides a better understanding of the lesser studied deep-sea reefs and their unique ecosystems with hundreds and maybe even thousands of species yet to be discovered.

This expedition was organized by Uncharted Blue, a non-profit organization connecting adventure seekers with world-renowned scientists and marine technology to fuel exploration and conservation.



arktika incognita


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At a time when man dreams of conquering other planets, there exists on Earth an extreme region with many secrets. Beyond the Arctic Circle, the islands of New Siberia are still Terra Incognita. Rare explorers have stepped upon these white lands. In 1879, aboard the USS Jeannette, Captain George De Long and his crew aspired to reach the North Pole. They discovered islands, later named De Long, but did not reach the famous pole, and the adventure turned tragic.
In 2017, as a tribute to these men, an international, multicultural expedition set off on the trail of the Jeannette. The purpose of this mission is to explore, observe, and witness this unknown world of white mounds on the ocean, the sanctuary of an authentic Arctic wildlife. In the manner of 19th-century explorers, scientists, adventurers, artists and freedivers go in search of this Arktika Incognita.

Directed by Bertrand Delapierre & Alain Zenou
Based on an original idea by Luc Hardy
Narrated by Elsa Zylberstein
Original music by Tristan Bres

A l’heure où l’Homme rêve de conquérir d’autres planètes, il existe sur Terre une région extrême aux multiples secrets. Au-delà du Cercle Polaire Arctique, les îles de Nouvelle Sibérie font encore figure de terra incognita. En 1879, à bord de l’USS Jeannette, le Capitaine George De Long et son équipage ambitionnent de rejoindre le Pôle Nord. Ils découvrent cinq îles mais n’atteignent pas leur objectif. Et l’aventure tourne au tragique…
En 2017, l’expédition PAX ARCTICA part sur les traces de l’USS Jeannette. Cette mission d’exploration a pour but d’observer et de témoigner de ce monde méconnu – Diamants blancs sertis sur l’océan et sanctuaires de la faune sauvage. A la manière des explorateurs du 19e siècle, des scientifiques, des artistes et des athlètes partent en quête de cette ARKTIKA INCOGNITA.

Réalisé par Bertrand Delapierre & Alain Zenou
Sur une idée originale de Luc Hardy
Narration Elsa Zylberstein
Musique originale Tristan Bres



On The Shoulders Of Shackleton

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At a time when man dreams of conquering other planets, there exists on Earth an extreme region with many secrets. Beyond the Arctic Circle, the islands of New Siberia are still Terra Incognita. Rare explorers have stepped upon these white lands. In 1879, aboard the USS Jeannette, Captain George De Long and his crew aspired to reach the North Pole. They discovered islands, later named De Long, but did not reach the famous pole, and the adventure turned tragic.
In 2017, as a tribute to these men, an international, multicultural expedition set off on the trail of the Jeannette. The purpose of this mission is to explore, observe, and witness this unknown world of white mounds on the ocean, the sanctuary of an authentic Arctic wildlife. In the manner of 19th-century explorers, scientists, adventurers, artists and freedivers go in search of this Arktika Incognita.

Directed by Bertrand Delapierre & Alain Zenou
Based on an original idea by Luc Hardy
Narrated by Elsa Zylberstein
Original music by Tristan Bres